Bird Talk March 12

Bird Talk March 12

Come learn all about the network of birdhouses maintained by Skidaway Audubon, what nesting materials birds prefer, and how to set up your own bird house, at the March 12 meeting of Skidaway Audubon. Audubon’s Brenda Ecken and Sarah Lucas will present an update on the...

Mosaics Lecture by Pamela Reynolds and LAA

Physician, artist, and writer Pamela Reynolds came to mosaics by chance in 2008 during a summer activity with her daughter and has been captivated by the medium ever since. On January 21, Reynolds will deliver a composite slideshow presentation to share with members...

Benedictine Monastery and Freedman School Lecture

Findings from archeological digs at the ruins of the Benedictine Monastery and Freedman School on Skidaway Island will be presented on Thursday, January 30, by Laura Seifert, Savannah Archaeological Alliance Director. Seifert, who led the effort, will give an...