Testing, Testing 1-2-3!

By Karl Stephens, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
General Manager/COO

The recent Traffic Study conducted by Moffatt & Nichol Engineering for The Landings Association identified potential changes to the Landings Way North/South/Tidewater corridor that could improve safety while improving connectivity within Landings Way. The recent closure of the Main Gate for repaving provided the perfect opportunity to implement some of the suggested changes and test the new traffic pattern.

Click here to view the revised traffic pattern. Only minimal changes have been made to the existing footprint of the roadway, and additional signage will be added to help direct motorists. The traffic change will be monitored by Association staff, as well as traffic engineers from Moffatt & Nichol, and future adjustments will be made as needed. Additionally, the new traffic configuration does not cost your Association any extra money.

Join me as I talk with Public Works Director Sean Burgess about what to expect when the Main Gate reopens this week.

Click here to watch the video.



This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.