First Responders Update

By Kelly Gordon -
President, First Responders

We still are in a holding pattern. We get calls sporadically and when we do, we go. This is equally as frustrating for the First Responders as it is for the community. Please be patient and know that we are continuing to fight to serve this island.

A huge concern is golf cart safety. Please pay attention. The number of accidents we respond to is alarming. Slow down. Put your phones away. Show due regard for pedestrians on foot, scooters, and bikes. We live in a community that should be only about respect for one another.

Stop signs. I’m not sure why many of you think they are merely a suggestion. For the repeat offenders (you know who you are) who run the four way at the Main Gate and habitually the one at Midpoint, I have a question. WHY? Is the juice really worth the squeeze?

If you’re in that big of a hurry that you risk killing someone, maybe you should reevaluate your time management and leave a little earlier. It takes a millisecond for an accident to occur. We must do everything we can to PREVENT an accident because that’s the only thing we have control over.

I wish you all a safe and healthy spring. Hydrate. Be kind. Be community minded. And please, stop and realize that we live in paradise.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.