A Note from The Kiwanis Club of Skidaway Island

Courtesy of Kiwanis Club of Skidaway

Thank You, Thank You! Our July 4th Kiwanis Flag Program fundraising activities concluded our best year ever in operating the Show Our Colors program. This program raises more than $120,000 per year to bring hope to at-risk children in Savannah and Chatham County.

We were so successful in fact, that we have exhausted our current supply of the bases and flags sets that make up the display. Unfortunately, some of our displays are missing. We understand that some homeowners might want to take them in for safe keeping. However, our volunteers retrieve all the displays, and clean and repair them as needed before their next placement, so there is no need for our donors to do this.

If you have a display at home, please call the Kiwanis Flag Hotline (912-388-6070) and  we'll make arrangements to collect it.

Again, our sincere thanks to those that donate and volunteer. The Skidaway spirit is alive and well!


Kiwanis Club of Skidaway Island

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.