Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2020 Community Path Project

Absolute Concrete completed the section of path from Shellwind Drive to the Deer Creek Clubhouse this week. After the Fourth of July holiday, the contractor will begin working on the path that connects Stargrass Retreat to Sedgewater Retreat.

Dog Park Improvements

In June, the Dog Park Committee agreed to hire local contractor Clark and Sons, Inc. (a metal fabricator) to replace 14 sets of park bench legs at the Dog Park. This work is funded through the annual fees paid by Dog Park users. Clark and Sons, Inc. completed the replacement of the deteriorated park bench legs this week. The fabricated metal legs were primed with a macropoxy and then painted. The macropoxy coating is designed to protect steel in harsh settings and will help with the wear and tear from our playful patrons.

Main Gate Flagpole Replacement

On Thursday, Public Works staff replaced the flagpole located at the Main Gate. The flagpole was destroyed by a vehicle collision with the pole at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to product delays related to the pandemic, it took more than two months before staff received the replacement pole.

2020 Mailbox and Sign Painting Program

Due to budget cutbacks, in-house staff completed the annual program mailbox and sign painting program this week. Staff painted a total of 908 items within this year’s project scope (posts, street signs, yard plaques, and mailbox numbers). Staff also replaced 100 mailbox posts and 186 mailboxes. Due to the closing of several TLA amenities (e.g., Delegal Sunset Pavilion), staff were able to utilize this time to complete this year’s program inhouse rather than through contracted means.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.