Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

Water Utility Management Site Visit

Sean Burgess, Karl Stephens, Amber Capps, and Dylan Till toured the Water Utility Management Facility on Thursday. Over the last several years, one of the goals of the Strategic Water Committee has been to benchmark with local cities/private utilities to understand their water capacity limits, permit requirements, and current technologies to strengthen the island’s position and forge relationships in advance of any EPD permit changes.

Stop Bar Restriping

Concrete Products and Construction completed the annual stop bar and crosswalk restriping program this week, which concludes this year’s project scope in the Palmetto area of the community, along with the parking spaces on Lake Street in The Village.

Midge Application in Freshwater Lagoons

This week, staff completed the monthly aquatic midge application around select large freshwater lagoons throughout the community. These applications help prevent the emergence of midge flies from hatching around freshwater lagoons. Aquatic midge applications are completed on a monthly basis from April-October.

Mailbox and Sign Painting Program

To date, JF Paint (Flowers Painting) has completed approximately 85% of the yard plaques and mailbox posts within this year’s project scope and are scheduled to be completed with the remaining 15% after Labor Day weekend.

Deer Creek Village Gate Replacements

This week staff, in conjunction with Remote Technology, replaced the barrier arm, power supply, and RFID reader at the Deer Creek Village Gate. This gate and its components are scheduled for replacement next month. All components that were just replaced were items that were scheduled for full replacement. Therefore, no additional costs, other than labor, will be absorbed by The Association.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.