I hope 2021 started as a better year than 2020 ended up being for everyone. I know we all are anxious to get back to some normalcy. Hopefully, we can, now that the COVID-19 vaccines are available.
At the December 2020 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors approved a few Rules and Regulations changes as well as an updated fine schedule. As of January 1, the new Rules and fines were effective. If you have not already done so, please familiarize yourself with the Rules and the fines listed below. You also can obtain a copy on our website (
www.landings.org/resources) in the Governing Documents and Miscellaneous Forms and Documents folders.
The Landings Rules and Regulations
- B.1 and C.1 Residents are responsible for their guests and for ensuring their guests comply with the Rules and Regulations while in The Landings.
- C.4 Fishing in lagoons and designated fishing areas at Association Marina facilities is permissible for owners/residents in good standing and their accompanied houseguests only. Fishing is permitted from common property only.
- E.15 Political messages on signs, flags, or banners are prohibited

Although the fine structure has changed, it does not mean that everyone started the year with a clean slate. If you have already received a warning for a particular violation, the next offense will warrant a fine. For example, if an unlicensed driver was issued a warning for failure to comply with TLA’s Rule F.4 regarding operating a golf cart without an operator’s license, and Security catches them violating this Rule again, the individual would receive a $100 fine for a second offense.
Pursuant to OCGA §40-6-3, Chatham County Police Department (CCPD) can enforce traffic laws in our community, which includes those regarding golf carts. Not only is this fact one of the most misunderstood issues in our community, but it also is one of the most violated. Our Rule mirrors State laws regarding motor vehicles and is very clear. TLA’s Rules and Regulations, section F. Vehicles, subsection 3. states,
“All licensed and unlicensed vehicles must obey all traffic regulations.” Additionally, section F. Vehicles, subsection 4. states, “Operators of motorized vehicles, including scooters, mopeds, and golf carts,
must possess a valid operator’s license, in compliance with Georgia law.” Under Georgia law, a person with an instructional (Learner’s) permit must be accompanied by a person 21 years or older who has a valid operator’s license and is fit and capable of exercising control over the vehicle, and who is occupying a seat beside the driver (OCGA §40-5-24). It is the driver’s responsibility to know and understand driving laws while exercising their privilege to operate a motor vehicle (including a golf cart).
As I reviewed the crime stats for 2020, I still am discouraged by the number of victim-assisted crimes and thefts of opportunity in our community. Everyone should thoroughly vet all their vendors, including home health workers, caregivers, and housekeepers. Thoroughly vetting your vendors includes checking their references, getting a background check, and making sure they have the proper licenses. Remember to lock your doors, including your vehicle, residence, and pedestrian doors leading into your garage and home. You should consider changing their locks if you have purchased a new home recently or if anyone who previously had access to your house keys is no longer working or associated with you. A few firearms were stolen from unlocked vehicles last year, which could result in a costly negligence lawsuit if someone later used the weapon in a crime or accident involving a minor. Please, be responsible and proactive to protect yourself and others.
I typically do not draw attention to staff anniversaries. However, I must make an exception for Sgt. Chad Bundy, who recently passed his 25th anniversary with The Landings Association. We are truly blessed to have him on our team, and I hope to get another 25 years from him! Please, make it a point the next time you see him to congratulate Sgt. Bundy on his remarkable dedication and loyalty.