New Neighbors is a social group open to women and men who are new residents at The Landings in Savannah, Georgia. We provide an opportunity for members to develop new friendships, enjoy a wide range of activities and social events, and network with people who have the same interests. Our members come from all over the world and know firsthand about the challenges and excitement that come with relocating. We are here to lend an ear or a hand to help you as you settle into your new home. Our variety of activities offers many ways to meet people, make new friends, and get involved. The club offers more than 250 different activities, tours, and events. Come see what we are all about. Visit our website (
landingsnewneighbors.com) or email Susie Bumstead (
Some of our New Neighbor activities have restarted and are available to all members. A few of the current running activities include New Neighbors golf, both 9 and 18 holes for women, and 18 holes for men. Please refer to the New Neighbors website to contact the appropriate activity coordinator. The Walking Group meets every Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. at the Oakridge Wellness Center parking lot. Pickleball for New Neighbors is every Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. at Franklin Creek on court numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. We hope all the newly joined New Neighbors come out to one of the activities that currently are happening.
Recently, the New Neighbors Nine Holers held their first get together. It was a great turnout, with many new faces. After golfing the 9 holes (mixed, couples format) the golfers gathered for cocktails and stories about their round surviving golf in this Savannah heat (see photo below).
If you are new to The Landings and are interested in joining New Neighbors, please visit our website (landingnewneighbors.com). We look forward to welcoming all new participants and seeing current members at the resuming events.
New Neighbors Nine Holers get together.