Public Works...Working for You!
2019 Road Repair and Replacement Project
On Wednesday, Sean Burgess and Bill Campbell met with representatives from Bennett Paving and Thomas & Hutton, along with Public Works Committee member Bill Foster to discuss the rideability concerns with the newly paved Franklin Creek Road South. After an in-depth discussion was held on the matter, Jerry Porter, Principal with Bennett Paving, made a recommendation to improve the roughness of the road by “planing” ½ ” (TBD) of asphalt from the surface, (this will provide a leveling course) and replacing it with a 1” layer of E mix asphalt or a mix determined by Thomas & Hutton. The next steps are as follows:
- Core Samples will be taken by Whitaker Labs to test the base material to ensure there are no visible issues.
- Bennett Paving will work with Thomas & Hutton to develop and review the asphalt mix and specifications.
Once the above work has been completed and reviewed by Thomas and Hutton, Bennett Paving will submit a paving schedule to Public Works Staff.
Perimeter Fencing
Over the past two weeks, in-house staff have replaced more than 250 linear feet of perimeter fencing and 50 fence posts. The crews are currently working on the fencing adjacent to Diamond Causeway. As a reminder, this work is part of our bimonthly preventative maintenance and is funded operationally.
2019 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete completed backfilling the newly converted section of path in Deer Creek. In-house crews are backfilling the areas along the path on Landings Way North headed towards Wiley Bottom Road.
Additionally, Absolute Concrete increased the footprint of the path entrance at the intersection of Huntingwood Retreat and Landings Way South. This newly added area addresses some safety concerns and allows golf carts coming onto the path a safer transition from the road.
Fence Extension at the Main Gate
On Tuesday, staff replaced and extended the wooden fence up to the lagoon edge (Lagoon 24) next to the Main Gate. The Security Department, along with several residents, had witnessed vendors entering and exiting the community in this area. In order to provide additional safety precautions and prevent future damage to common property, staff decided this work was warranted.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.