The objective of CCA Skidaway is to conserve, promote and enhance the present and future availability of coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents of Skidaway Island and the surrounding areas.
We consider ourselves the voice of the recreational fisherman both in Congress and elsewhere in the states so the fishery is managed with anglers just like you and me in mind. We want to enjoy it and hopefully our children and their children can enjoy this great fishery that we have as well.
On the second Monday of each month we offer educational seminars on wide ranging topics at St. Peters. These are open to our members as well as to the public at no charge. Recent topics have included cleaning and cooking sea trout and redfish, Kayak fishing, Skidaway Island deer and wildlife population management. Many of the presentations, like the one Crawfish Crawford does, are a lot of fun for kids. We have created a lagoon guide that shows which lagoons are fresh water and which ones are brackish as well as how the piping systems tie them all together. We also have members that are active in fly fishing.
Telfair Academy Guild, or TAG as it is known, was formed over 40 years ago in 1976, by a group of women who wanted to support the goals and activities of Telfair Museums. Over the years, TAG has raised significant funds and contributed untold hours of volunteerism.
TAG meetings take place each month and include lectures and behind-the-scenes information about museum activities. Art education is the primary focus for TAG’s presented events. Proceeds help fund the Telfair’s lecture series and other selected projects.
TAG at NIGHT: TAG also offers evening meetings at 5:30pm every other month, September through May. These are held at local art venues, where you will be welcomed with wine and hors d’oeuvres.
Welcome to Kiwanis! Do you like to work with or for children? Do you have time to give back to the community to make a positive difference in the lives of needy children in the Savannah area? If so, we invite you to consider joining the Kiwanis Club of Skidaway. We’re part of Kiwanis International, a worldwide organization with more than 8,000 clubs and 300,000 members, serving the children of the world.
Kiwanis Club of Skidaway is dedicated to serving disadvantaged and at-risk children of our community, one child at a time. Through our fundraising to support local agencies, our service projects and volunteerism, our goal is to do what we can to help children have better lives and brighter futures.
Our Club has been serving Savannah’s kids since 1988. We’ve raised and distributed over $1,400,000 and invested over 300,000 service hours in our mission of helping the children of Savannah.
We currently have 125 members—men and women who meet every Thursday morning in the Plantation Club ballroom for breakfast, a brief business meeting, and a guest speaker. Each week, our speaker informs us on some area of interest, such as local history, local or national events or issues, sports, art, literature, business, and service opportunities.
Our Club sponsors several fundraising events each year to support our charitable causes and has other fundraising programs that operate year-round. In addition, many of our members are involved as volunteers at youth service organizations in the area.
Kids need Kiwanis, and Kiwanis needs you! Come and join our spirited, fun-loving, can-do group and reap the rewards of fellowship while getting the deep satisfaction of serving the children of Savannah.
Skidaway Audubon is a not-for-profit organization that raises money for conservation projects throughout the island. We also serve as a catalyst for collaboration, bringing experts and organizations together to educate and problem solve.