Public Works...Working for You!
Delegal Creek Marina Concrete Repairs
Absolute Concrete completed concrete walkway and path repairs at Delegal Creek Marina this week.
Main Gate Road Maintenance
On Tuesday and Wednesday, staff, in conjunction with our contractors, completed the following work at the Main Gate: removed the lane delineators currently in place and replaced them with road pavement striping and road pavement markers, as recommended by Moffatt & Nichol, our contracted engineers, and approved by TLA's Board of Directors.
Tropical Storm Debby Clean-up
In-house staff completed the final stages of the cleanup from Tropical Storm Debby this week with the removal of four trees from lagoons.
Lagoon System Post Storms
As many of you may have noticed, some of our lagoons are experiencing rapid algae blooms. Our lagoons are essentially a complex drainage network designed to mitigate large amounts of water. While we were able to control most of the water flow from Tropical Storm Debby, the almost 11” inches of rainfall we received from the storm brought along some other issues. The amount of water runoff we received, along with the mixing of water between lagoons, caused a significant increase in nutrient levels. This can be attributed to organic materials, fertilizers, and other sources. This, along with high temperatures immediately following the storm, make the perfect mix for algae blooms in our lagoons. Our lagoon crews are hard at work treating these issues in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.
Center Island Maintenance
R&D Tree Service began the annual uplifting of all palm trees on the center islands. The contractor began working at Delegal Creek Marina this week. As a reminder, this work is completed annually by in-house staff to promote a healthy canopy on our center islands, while cutting back any tree limbs that may impede vehicular traffic.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.