Fine Structure Update

By Tim Cook -
Security Director

As part of The Landings Association’s continued improvement process, staff have been working diligently to update our current Fine Structure. The impetus for this process is to deliver consistency and fairness throughout our fine process. Based on resident feedback, staff benchmarked local municipalities to mirror their fine structure for non-moving and moving vehicle and golf cart violations. However, the benchmarking process revealed that there is not a uniform fine schedule across municipalities, and each one sets their own fines. Furthermore, based on the reoccurrence of repeat violations such as unlicensed golf cart drivers and speeding, the current fine structure does not appear to be having the desired effect of correcting non-compliance behaviors. Some highlights of the changes are listed below.

  • Removing the progressive fine structure for the majority of violations and simply having a flat fee per violation regardless of the number of offenses. Abusive conduct and short-term rental violations will continue to have a progressive fine structure.
  • Adding a section for speeding on community paths, which have a speed limit of 18 MPH.
  • Adding new fines for criminal acts and suspended or revoked driver’s licenses.

You can view the updated Fine Structure here.

As recently mentioned in an article by President Bill Bina, the updated Fine Structure and traffic enforcement will take effect July 1, 2024.

Pursuant to section 11.3.3 of the Covenants, Members have the right to request a hearing to contest the violation or request reconsideration of the suspension(s) or the fine(s). All requests must be in writing and submitted within 10 days of the notice of violation and/or fine(s). Failure to request a hearing within 10 days shall result in the loss of the right to contest the violation and/or fine(s).

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.