May I, Please?

By Maryce Cunningham
TLA Communications Subcommittee on Courtesy

It’s the Merry Month of May, so let’s  focus on  a very pleasant question:  “May I …?”

“May I hold the door for you?” “May I help you carry that package?” “May I congratulate you on your accomplishment?” And, the lovely response – “Yes, thank you!” Doesn’t that feel good?

As the month of May brings blooming trees and plants and warmer weather with longer days, we all can feel happier and friendlier. Wouldn’t it be great for our community if we shared that spring feeling, and offered our fellow Landings residents a bit of personal kindness and consideration?

We love the month of May, and we love to hear a pleasant “please.” May everyone feel the warmth and share it.

“May I please?” “Yes, thank you!” Wow, that feels good!!!


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.