Let’s Talk Roads!

Mon, 01/08/2024

By Karl Stephens, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
General Manager/COO

It’s 2024 and there is much to do, including the annual Roads Repairs and Repaving Project led by our Public Works Team.

Each year, staff, in conjunction with the Public Works Committee and an engineering firm review all Association-owned roads and make recommendations for the annual repaving program. These recommendations are based on the condition of the roads, the amount of root intrusions and ride-altering bumps, whether separation of asphalt exists, along with a determination of whether roads are impacted by curb or drainage issues. With more than 91 miles of roads in the community, this task is never a small undertaking. However, it is vital to ensuring the roads in The Landings are in good order.

Join Construction Manager Bill Campbell and me as we discuss some deteriorating conditions the 2024 project will address, why it is important to spend the nearly $1.7M budgeted for the work, and the Main Gate entrance portion of the project set to begin in February.

Click here to watch the video.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.