First Responders Update

By Kelly Gordon -
President, First Responders

Writing this article for the new year while it was still 2023 threw me off balance. To me, it’s like opening a birthday card before it’s your birthday. I’m extremely SUPERSTITIOUS. I believe in bad luck. You can ask anyone who knows me. My Skidaway Island First Responders (SIFR) team would concur that some of these superstitions make zero sense to most people. All that to say, I wrote this article on December 14, 2023, to be published in January of 2024. It freaks me out a little.

However, I believe that putting things out into the universe and saying them out loud is the only way to make things happen. As we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024, I tell all of you that I’m hopeful. I am not sure what will happen to your SIFR, but I know we will find a way to continue serving this beloved community if there is a way.

When you’re up against a wall and literally clawing at it to break it down, it can seem insurmountable. Nothing good comes easy, right?  Who in their right mind would ever think a volunteer group of 17 people willing to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to help/assist paid personnel do their jobs, would not be considered undeniably necessary by everyone? It’s truly baffling and equally as heartbreaking that we are fighting such a surreal battle.

I was reading up on leadership recently and found a quote by Simon Sinek that I’d like to share. “Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is taking care of those in your charge.” I truly believe that taking care of the First Responders team and this community is paramount as we embark on this new year.

Please stay safe out there. The Skidaway Island First Responders wish each of you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Hang in there with us a little longer. We aren’t done yet. We are ready for you, 2024!


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.