Utilities, Inc. and Chatham County Implement New Strategy to Ensure Properly Functioning Water Hydrants on Skidaway Island

By Lynn Lewis - lynnl@landings.org
Communications Manager

If you read the recent Savannah Morning News article regarding water hydrants in Chatham County rated as non-functioning, you likely were concerned to see some listed that are managed by Utilities, Inc. of Georgia (UIG).

Although the article shares there often is some differing opinions on the definition of non-functioning among those rating and managing the hydrants, the primary goal everyone agrees on is that this equipment is accessible and ready for use if and when it is needed.

The Landings Association recently reached out to Utilities, Inc. and spoke with UIG’s Director of State Operations Ron Medders who confirmed that since the Savannah Morning News article was published on September 26, UIG has addressed all but one hydrant issue of the 17 shared with them by the County.

“We only have the one hydrant on Brightside that was damaged that still needs to be repaired,” he said. “For the majority of these, we made the repairs listed by Chatham Fire within two days of receiving the list from them.”

Medders added that Utilities, Inc. is committed to providing quality customer service to all its customers and ensuring that all the equipment it manages, including water hydrants, are in the proper working order. To assist with these goals, UIG worked with Chatham County to develop a better strategy of communicating issues on a more regular basis so these issues can be resolved immediately.

“Going forward, Chatham County has agreed to supply UIG with a daily report, which includes any deficiencies they find,” Medders said. “Our team then will address these issues as quickly as possible, which has been our policy all along.”

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.