Audubon Speaker Series: Public Works Director Sean Burgess to Discuss Wildlife

Courtesy of Skidaway Audubon 

Managing wildlife can be a challenge for any community, but with alligators, voracious deer, armadillos, and an assortment of other creatures, the task can be especially  daunting on Skidaway Island.
To kickoff Skidaway Audubon’s speaker series and promote a better understanding of these challenges, Landings Association Director of Public Works Sean Burgess will explain The Landings’ deer control program and other aspects of wildlife management on Thursday, September 21, at 4 p.m., at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.
Burgess has been with The Landings Association (TLA) for nearly 20 years, the last four as Director of Public Works, where he manages all aspects of the Public Works Department, including Building and Grounds, Construction, Environmental, and Fleet and Contract Management. This involves the supervision of dozens of employees, and planning and implementing capital projects consistent with TLA’s Capital Asset Management Plan (CAMP) and long-term Strategic Plan.
He previously was the Association’s Environmental Manager for 14 years, with responsibility for management of TLA’s environmental resources, including 660 acres of common property, 151 lagoons and associated wildlife, and an array of in-house and contract workers. Burgess holds a BA in biology from Lakeland University in Wisconsin.
The presentation is free for members of Friends of Skidaway Audubon (FOSA), and $5 for guests, payable online or at the door. Attendees are asked to pre-register online at
Skidaway Audubon’s mission is to enhance and conserve Skidaway Island’s natural environment. In addition to implementing a wide variety of projects, it strives to promote environmental awareness through education and outreach. For more information about Skidaway Audubon activities, or to make a much-needed and appreciated donation to help continue these programs, visit Information also is also available on the Friends of Skidaway Audubon Facebook page.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.