Public Works...Working for You!
Grass Carp Stocking in Lagoons
Grass Carp were stocked in 22 freshwater lagoons this week. The grass carp serve as an excellent tool for natural aquatic weed control and help reduce the amount of herbicide applications that are required in our freshwater lagoons. This program is funded operationally.
Lagoon Dye Application
This week, staff began the aquatic dye program in our lagoons. This program consists of adding aquatic dye to the freshwater lagoons to darken them for both aesthetics and to limit plant growth. Dyeing the lagoons allows for a more picturesque lagoon while also reducing the amount of algaecide/herbicide treatments needed. The dye will not stain birds or fish and is harmless to humans and wildlife in the lagoon. This program is funded operationally.
Storm Drain Repair
Staff performed a camera inspection of a storm drain, on Tidewater Way at the intersection of Hoptree Cross, for a possible failure this week. Southeast Pipe, our contractor, will be reviewing the video and findings to determine what repairs need to be made in the coming week.
2023 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete began the replacement of the community paths in The Village area that run parallel to the Diamond Causeway (just west of McWhorter Drive to the Methodist Church) this week. These paths are located on TLA common property, thus falling under the maintenance and replacement responsibilities of the Association. Barring any concrete plant and/or weather delays, this project is anticipated to be completed by mid-April.
2023 Road Replacement Project
Bennett Paving resumed the milling and paving of Wiley Bottom Road South on Wednesday. Barring any plant or further weather delays, the paving of Wiley Bottom Road South will be completed on April 7.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.