September 24 Cast Away Club Event

Courtesy of Cast Away Club

Always be Yourself unless You can be a Turtle (a Diamondback Terrapin turtle, that is) is the featured program on September 24 for Cast Away Club.

The event will be held on Saturday, September 24 at Coastal Conservation Association's (CCA) Outdoor Education Center located at the Kids' Fishing Lagoon (adjacent to Log Landing Road and the Oakridge Fire Station). Registration and name tag pickup is at 8:45 a.m.

Terri Ramsden and volunteers from the Audubon Diamondback Terrapin Rescue Program will share how mama turtles come up from the marshes, dig nests, lay eggs, and finally cover up the nest to hide and protect their eggs before heading back to the marshes. That’s when the volunteers step in and you’ll find out what happens next. The group will bring baby hatchlings for attendees to hold and learn about their life and how they grow up.

The nature program is from 9 to 9:30 a.m.  After the session, kids and parents will have the opportunity to fish together until 11 a.m.  Rods, reels, and bait will be provided by Skidaway’s Coastal Conservation Association (CCA).

Volunteers from CCA Skidaway also will be available to help. Cast Away Club events always are free. Donations of $10 for a kids-size, white logoed Cast Away Club Hat is always helpful.

Attendance is limited, so please register as soon as possible at

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.