On the Waterfront
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday-Sunday
Landings Harbor Marina
The last weekend before the start of the school year, combined with the beautiful weather, made for a busy time at the Marina. We see marine fuel prices slowly dropping, not quite where we want them to be but better.
We welcome our newest dock attendant and store clerk, Myah Harstine. Myah is a recent Georgia Southern University graduate with a degree in Biology. She is very excited about working at the marina and would love to explore a career in Marine Biology.
Marina Ship’s Store
The Ships’ Store is a great place to visit if you’re taking a walk around the Marina. It is open to everyone, and you can use your Landings Association account, Visa or Mastercard, or cash to purchase items. The new online payment portal makes it super easy to pay your account.
Landings Sailing Club
The Landings Sailing Club members are most of the tide schedules and wind to go out on recreational sails. Some newer members received some valuable hands-on training throughout the week. There will be a Beer Can Race/Social this Friday, August 5. For more information, The Landings Sailing Club (landingssailing@gmail.com) You also can find them on Facebook (Facebook.com/TheLandingsSailingClub).
Dry Storage
The Landings Harbor Marina dry, wet, and jet ski storage is at full capacity. We continue to maintain a waiting list for all slips. Recently, we had a few smaller slips become available that have been filled.
Landings Dry Storage Activity
Delegal Creek Marina
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Daily
Delegal Creek Marina
“I'm very proud, as a resident and TLA employee, to say the feedback from visiting boaters has been overwhelmingly positive. The natural beauty, impressive clubs and amenities, and the kindness of our residents all continue to impress visitors to the island.” Mike Marino
The underground electrical repairs are being scheduled with Evan Electric. One of the main feeder lines supporting the docks and amenities beyond the bulkhead has failed. The main power to the docks will experience temporary outages while work is done inside the electrical distribution panel. Staff will send email updates throughout the project, which is expected to take a total of two-to-three days.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2022/08/04/waterfront