Newsletter from the Coastal Health District (July 2, 2021)

The following information is courtesy of the Georgia Department of Public Health Coastal Health District

Weekly Update for 7.2.21

Vaccination is Critically Important As Cases and Hospitalizations Creep Upward

For many people, this summer feels vastly different than last year when COVID-19 cases were skyrocketing, death rates were climbing, and your only real protections were social isolation and masking. By contrast, this holiday weekend you may be traveling or enjoying much-needed time with family, friends, and neighbors. 

If you're fully vaccinated, you're well protected for these events, particularly if the gatherings are with other vaccinated individuals, outdoors, or fairly small. While it's true that vaccination can't stop 100% of COVID cases, it does stop the vast majority of them. And if you're unfortunate enough to get a breakthrough infection after vaccination, your illness is likely to be mild. 

But unfortunately, a majority of people in our communities are still unvaccinated. If you've been following state-wide trends in transmission rates, you may have noticed that Georgia's case rate is beginning to tick upward again.

Locally, some of our counties which had moderate levels of transmission have now slipped back into the "orange" or "red" zones. Hospitalizations are beginning to rise as well. Click here to review local data for the 8 counties of the Coastal Health District.

Several things are likely to blame for these increases. We know that more infectious variants of coronavirus are now circulating in Georgia. At the same time, more people are gathering, and fewer are wearing masks or social distancing.

All three of the current vaccines authorized for use in the US have shown to be highly effective against the coronavirus, including the Delta variant which has caused major surges of illness in other countries.

If you're unvaccinated, it's important to understand that COVID is still very much with us. If you have chosen not to be vaccinated, please continue to take precautions by wearing a mask around others and keeping your distance. If you are willing to be vaccinated but haven't done so, please take care of this important task as soon as possible. Vaccination continues to be our best path to freedom from COVID-19.

Need another reason to say "yes" to the COVID-19 vaccine?

How about:  

  • A free cruise from CVS?
  • A $500 gift card from instacart?
  • $1 million and free groceries for a year from Kroger?
  • Tickets to the 2022 Daytona 500?

These are just a few examples of COVID vaccine incentives offered by businesses and organizations around the US.

Click here to explore more incentive programs, and then make an appointment for vaccination if you haven't already! 


Mobile Clinics in the Coastal Health District

The Coastal Health District and CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) have several mobile vaccination clinics scheduled in the coming weeks.

These pop-up vaccination clinics are open to anyone age 12 and older, and there is no cost for vaccine. You can pre-register for an appointment, but walk-ups are also welcome.

  • Overcoming By Faith
    9700 Middleground Rd., Savannah
    Friday, July 2, 1-6p
  • St. Marys Independence Day Festival
    111 Osborne St., St. Marys
    Saturday, July 3, 9a-5p
  • Parent University Graduation
    11935 Abercorn St., Savannah
    Saturday, July 10, 10a-12p
  • Jasper Spring Church
    62 Smith Ave., Savannah
    Saturday, July 10, 1p-4p
  • Connor's Temple Baptist Church
  • 509 W. Gwinnett St., Savannah
    Sunday, July 11, 11a-1p
  • St. Marys First Presbyterian Church
    100 Conyers St West., St. Marys
    Friday, July 16, 10a-1p
  • Paynes Chapel AME
    2200 Albany St,. Brunswick
    Sunday, July 18, 10a - 2p
More Info about Mobile Vaccine Clinics

Your Vaccine Story

"I would encourage people to get vaccinated because it is the right thing to do. The scriptures say, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12). As a man of faith, I lead by example. I was vaccinated twice. I waited the required 15 minutes and experienced no side effects. Getting the vaccination will not only protect me but also my family and those within our community."

- Rev. John E. Fields, Jr., First Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Brunswick 

Tell us your vaccine story!

If you've received the COVID-19 vaccine, why was that the right choice for you? We'd like to hear your COVID-19 vaccine story. We may share it here and at to help inform and inspire others. 

Click the button below and tell us Your Vaccine Story! 

Share Your Vaccine Story

Ask an Expert: Why are COVID-19 vaccines safe for women?

Dr. Denise Jamieson, James Robert McCord Chair in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University, dispels myths about the COVID-19 vaccine and its effects on women and fertility. 
Copyright © 2021 Coastal Health District, All rights reserved.
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This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.