Phase 1 of Paving Begins May 10
On Monday, May 10, Bennett Paving is scheduled to begin paving Phase 1 of Delegal Road from the Delegal Circle to Spartina Lane.
Weather permitting, we estimate the paving portion of Phase 1 to be completed in two days.The paving process will begin at 8 a.m. each morning and end between the hours of 5 and 6 p.m.
If you live on Delegal Road or one of the connecting roads (Seawatch Drive, Starbridge Court, or Crosstide Lane) a cone or barrier will be placed at the end of your driveway or street during the paving. This will indicate that the road is closed for entry. Once the cones and barriers are removed, you will be able to access the road. All other connecting roads will be closed during paving, please use the detours.
The road(s) will not be closed completely; however, it will be restricted to emergency vehicles, etc. and/or one lane of traffic at a time. Expect to experience delays during the project. Please plan your day accordingly.
Please inform your landscape contractors, guests, delivery services, etc. that during the paving process, entry will be restricted to allow adequate time for the asphalt to harden and cure.
During these two days, please turn your irrigation system off, as water can impact the asphalt curing process.
- Sweetgum Crossing and Rookery Road will be closed at Delegal Road. Access will be permitted through Rookery Road for detour purposes only.
- Seawatch Drive use Rookery Road to Landings Way South
- Southpoint Cross use Rookery Road to Landings Way South
- Crosstide Lane use Delegal Road to Southpoint Cross to Rookery Road to Landings Way South
- Marsh Haven Lane, Adams Point Road, and Salt Meadow Court use Delegal Road to South Point Cross to Rookery Road to Landings Way South
- Spartina Lane use Delegal Road to Landings Way South (away from project)
We appreciate your continued patience and support of this project as we continue to improve the roads and infrastructure throughout the community.
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the Public Works Office (912-598-5509).
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.