CDD Weekly Update
The CDD team has been busy this week. Following is a closer look at what they've been working on.
Private Property Maintenance Standards
Staff completed routine property inspections took place in Phase I, this week. Follow-up and requested inspections were also conducted throughout the island. This week 14 properties presented a violation of the Private Property Maintenance Standards and 20 properties were contacted as a courtesy for education regarding covenants regulations.
Resident Education Initiative
As the seasons transition, many plants and trees throughout the community are beginning to bloom with vibrant colors adding to the natural beauty. While this is a lovely time of year, it is also a time when common Private Property Maintenance Standards (PPMS) challenges present themselves. To help you keep your property looking its best, the Community Development Inspection Staff is continuing a resident education initiative started last summer to provide homeowners with informative flyers addressing common topics like thinning of bedding materials, bare turf areas, and home maintenance along with suggestions on how to resolve these issues well before they become a violation. If you are looking for more tips, check out our monthly CDD News You Can Use articles where we address PPMS topics in greater detail.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.