Our most frequent calls are regarding falls. People trip and fall ALL the time. In most cases, it’s a medical reason, balance issue, or someone gets dizzy. When someone trips and falls, it sometimes is due to rugs that aren’t securely placed on the ground or items that are simply in the way.
If you love rugs like I do, I completely understand. They’re pretty. They look nice with our decor. They add color to a room, and they keep our feet warm when walking on wood floors. All of that is wonderful until someone slips on one of these decorative pieces. I highly recommend that if you must have area rugs throughout your home, you need to have rubber backing on them, too.
If you’ll look around your home in the rooms you spend most of your time, take a few minutes to see if there are obstacles that might cause you to trip and fall. Tables for decoration that hold pretty accessories, chairs you never sit in but are there for looks, and any other big item that isn’t necessary need to be moved elsewhere. Let me be the first to tell you, these objects are the cause of many falls with injury.
Empty boxes, shoes, dog/cat food bags and bowls, and laundry baskets filled with clothes are just accidents waiting to happen if they’re not placed out of your regular path. It’s easy to put something down with the hopes to retrieve it later in the day. If it’s not there ordinarily, you might forget when passing by before you’ve moved it. Pay attention to your surroundings. I promise if you do, the chances of tripping and falling are less likely.
SOCKS!!!! Socks are the devil when it comes to walking around your house. You can slip so easily walking on wood floors, down wood or carpeted stairs, and even trying to stand up out of a chair or bed. Find some nifty slippers and wear those instead, or use them over your socks.
I’d like to address the yellow cards since it was brought to my attention recently. If someone can answer our questions appropriately, provide all the information we need, and are cognizant of their medical history, we won’t go searching for the yellow cards. Those cards serve one purpose: They answer questions we can’t get answers to and help aid a spouse who might be frantic and are unable to remember obvious things about their wife or husband. I implore each of you pick these cards up, fill them out, place them on the outside or inside of your refrigerator, and make copies to keep in your car, wallet, purse, and golf cart.
The yellow cards are like crutches for us. We use them when we must. If we don’t ask for one or go searching through your kitchen, it’s only because you or your spouse/family member has provided all your pertinent information. We appreciate all of you who’ve taken the time to get them, fill them out, and place them in the appropriate place. We also like when we arrive on scene and someone proudly says, “I have my yellow card right here for you!”
Stay safe, continue to wear your masks, and practice social distancing. Cases of COVID aren’t going away, and we must do our due diligence in the meantime. Thank you for your support and all the encouragement we’ve received via email, cards, and donations.