Public Works...Working for You!
Sod Replacements
BrightView Landscapes replaced sections of sod at some of the gatehouses this week, with most of the work being conducted at the Main Gate. Unity Fiber funded approximately $8,000 worth of sod and shrubbery replacements as they damaged a large section along the main gate exit lane during their fiber replacement project.
Community Path Repair and Maintenance
This week, Absolute Concrete completed repairs on the following community paths: Priest Landing Drive at Marsh Tower Lane, on Marsh Tower Lane, along lagoon #5 from Landings Way North to Bartram Road and on Yam Gandy Road. The contractor also repaired the curbing along Landings Way South at Shagbark Lane. Once the weather starts cooperating again, Absolute will continue with the remainder of the necessary community path panel repairs.
Storm Drain Camera Work
This week, Southeast Pipe completed cleaning and videoing the storm drain located on Fat Friars Retreat. Weather permitting, the contractor will continue through the video project scope next week. As a reminder, this work is being completed prior to finalizing the 2020 capital reserves project to verify which pipes require repair/replacement.
Temporary Repair of Sink Hole
In-house staff temporarily repaired a sink hole that developed on Lanyard Lane due to the heavy rainfall the island received this week. Once the rain lifts, staff will be able to conduct additional evaluations to determine the cause of the sink hole and make permanent repairs thereafter.
Georgia Power Street Light Upgrade
On Tuesday, staff and a Georgia Power representative, completed an audit of the new LED streetlight fixtures that were installed in the community. Approximately 50 additional streetlights require replacement. Staff, in conjunction with GA Power, will continue to work towards consolidating Georgia Power streetlight accounts and plan to replace the remainder of the streetlights throughout the community. Please note there are no new or additional costs to performing this upgrade to the new LED light fixtures.
Deer Creek Gate Equipment Replacement
Carolina Time and Parking Group continued with the replacement of the gate equipment at the Deer Creek Village Gate this week. This project has been slightly delayed due to rain and a faulty gate controller. The contractor is migrating the old equipment to the new equipment all while keeping this gate fully operational during the replacement project. Although they have been a bit delayed with the anticipated completion date, Carolina Time is confident that they can complete the project before the Korn Ferry Golf Tournament.
Islands of Deer Creek Bridge
On Friday, staff worked on the community path bridge that connects the Deer Creek Clubhouse to Islander’s Retreat. This work included nailing down raised nails, reattaching loose boards, sanding trip hazards, and replacing damaged boards.
Landings Harbor Fixed Pier
Staff worked on the Landings Harbor Fixed Pier this week which included the replacement of boards, sanding trip hazards, screwing down loose boards, and repairing railings as needed. Also, as part of our annual maintenance items, staff pressure washed the fixed pier and intends to reseal it once rain is no longer in the forecast.
Stop Bar and Pedestrian Crossings Restriping Program
The stop bar project is on hold due to weather. Once the rain lifts, the contractor will resume work on Bartram Road and its side streets.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.