Facts About Landings’ Plants and Flowers 

By Lynn Lewis - lynnl@landings.org 
Communications Manager 

The beauty of The Landings is undeniable to anyone who dares to take a look. Sprawling golf courses, beautiful trees and flowers, co-mingled with some of nature’s most exotic creatures -- furry, gilled, and feathered -- help make up this island paradise. 

But living among such beautiful creatures often can be hard on residents’ landscape designs. It is well known that deer and other animals enjoy feasting on plants and flowers. In fact, they find certain varieties even tastier than others. Despite your best efforts to thwart their meal plans, they seem to win every time. 

If you manage to dodge these four-legged residents, you then have to deal with the issues of soil type (what’s good for what plants) and climate, as everything doesn’t thrive in Savannah’s sticky, warm temperatures. 

No plant is totally deer-resistant, according to Public Works Director Sean Burgess. Deer will eat most any plant, especially those plants that are young and tender. And the plants all require a little tender love and care. Following are just a few native plants that thrive in The Landings. A complete listing of Native Plants can be found on page 55 of the 2020 Landings Residential Directory. 

Following are some suggestions from Landscape Architect Valerie Hinesley of plants and herbs that residents might find to be more deer resistant than others. According to Hinesley, these recommendations are based on her personal observation and are not meant to be all inclusive. As each year is different based on rainfall, number of deer, deer travel patterns, etc., she recommends residents check sources such as other gardeners and landscape architects, gardening books, nursery catalogs, magazines, and websites. 

Recommended Flowers, Groundcovers, and Herbs: 

African Iris, Asiatic Jasmine, Cast IronPlant, Chrysanthemum, Coleus, Climbing Fig, Confederate Jasmine, Coneflowers, CreepingJenny, Daffodils, Duranta, Ferns (most), Garlic, Ginger Lily, Holly Fern, Lantana, Lenten Rose, Marigolds, Mint, Oregano, Plumbago, Rosemary, Sage, Salvia, Snap Dragon, Society Garlic, Thyme, Variegated Ginger, Verbena, Vinca, Zinnia 

Flowers, Groundcovers, and Herbs to Avoid: 

Agapanthus, Daylilies, Geraniums, German Iris, Hostas, Impatiens, Lilies (most), Liriope, Pansies, Petunias 

Recommended Shrubs: 

Angel Trumpet, Anise, Abelia, Banana Shrub, Bottlebrush, Boxwood, Butterfly Bush, Elaeaganus, Formosa Azaleas, Gardenia, Grasses (most), Hollies (most), Junipers, Ligustrum, Leucothoe, Loropetalum, Mahonia, Nandina, Oleander, Philodendron, Pineapple Guava, Pyracantha, Sago and other Palms, Tea Olive, Viburnum, Wax Myrtle, Podocarpus Yew, Yucca 

Shrubs That Require Additional Protection: 

Acuba, Azaleas (except Formosa), Camellias, Cleyera, Euonymus, Fatsia, Hydrangea, India Hawthorn, Pittosporum, and Roses 

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.