Public Works...Working for You!
Bridge Re-Decking
On Wednesday, Expert Marine completed the re-decking of the Marshview Landing bridge. After staff evaluated the bridge, there were approximately 11 boards that required replacement as they did not meet the wood grade specifications outlined in the contract. Expert Marine replaced the identified boards on Thursday, which concluded both bridge re-decking projects (Moon River and Marshview Landing). These projects were funded through the Association’s Capital Replacement Reserves Fund.
TLA Athletic Field Lighting
On Friday, C.S. Hurd, one of our electrical service providers, completed the Athletic Field lighting bulb and electrical ballast replacements. This work was contracted out because the light poles at the Athletic Field are 60 feet tall and our Bucket Trucks have a maximum equipment reach of 45 feet.
Building and Grounds Maintenance Work
As part of our ongoing preventive maintenance repairs at TLA-owned facilities, in-house staff replaced several damaged wooden fence rails and posts at the Deer Creek McWhorter Gate this week. Staff also installed several new “No Trespassing” signs around the gate entrances and fence lines, required under law to successfully prosecute trespassers’ unauthorized entry into the community. State law requires that the notice must be reasonable under the circumstances as well as sufficiently explicit to apprise the trespasser of what property is forbidden to enter, resulting in placement of these signs every 60 feet around our 12 mile perimeter. A total of 950 “No Trespassing” signs requires continual monitoring and maintenance by crews.
Delegal Marina Check Valve Replacement
Public Works teams in our Construction and Environmental Divisions collaborated on the installation of a new inline check valve outside of the Delegal Marina Sunset Room basement along the marsh edge. In-house staff replaced the old corroded metal valve with a plastic model that will improve the drainage and run-off in this area, while preventing saltwater intrusion into our storm drain system.
Monument Signage Lighting and Light Pole Repairs
Evans Electric has been contracted at a cost of $1,400 to replace the originally installed direct-bury electrical lines with new line in conduit for the lighting around the North Gate (Marshwood) monument sign and the Oakridge Gatehouse sign, along with the light poles around the Landings Harbor picnic grounds. Barring any further rain delays, Evans Electric is scheduled to be completed with this work by the end of the week.
Brandenberry Road Bank Erosion
On Wednesday, staff began the repair to the lagoon bank erosion near the storm drainpipe that runs along Brandenberry Road near Tidewater Way. Barring any further weather delays, the bank will be reestablished by the end of the week.
2020 Road Repair and Replacement Project
This week, Absolute Concrete began repairing the damaged curbing along the roads that are scheduled to be replaced within the 2020 road repair and replacement project. Prior to any street milling and replacement work, the damaged curbing requires repair. Absolute Concrete currently is working on Deer Run and Wickersham Drive.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.