December 16 Budget Workshop Rescheduled for January 27
The Budget Workshop previously scheduled for December 16 to cover Reserve Study results has been rescheduled for January 27. The Reserve Analyst has requested additional information regarding individual road project information to have a clearer picture of the funding needed to support the infrastructure needs. Landings Association staff are gathering the additional information needed for his analysis. The extension also will provide an opportunity for residents who may be traveling for the holidays to attend the workshop that now will be held at Delegal’s Sunset Pavilion on January 27, starting at 6 p.m.
The Landings Association’s Finance Team, as well as representatives from Community Advisors, the firm that is conducting the Reserve Study, will be on hand to answer questions on this evening.
To learn more about the Reserve Study, click here. As with the previous Budget Workshops, this event will be live-streamed on The Landings Association’s Facebook Group. Follow this link to join the Association’s Facebook Group
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.