Public Works...Working for You!
Cost Savings on GA Natural Gas Accounts
The Landings Association has 10 accounts with GA Natural Gas (GNG). Over the last two months, Amber Capps has been communicating via e-mail with GNG representatives to negotiate lower commercial rates for each account. As a result, our new 12-month fixed therm rate will be reduced from $1.33/therm to $0.519/per therm. A further discount of $0.12 per therm will also be applied for 12 months, along with a one-time statement credit of $25 per account.
Georgia Power Meeting - Street Lights
On Thursday, Association staff (Sean Burgess, Shari Haldeman, Karl Stephens, Ingrid Poppell, Amber Capps and Public Works Committee Chair, Bob Egan) met with Georgia Power representative Tammy Moore to discuss our current streetlight contract and potential LED lighting upgrades. As proposed, the current LED lighting upgrades would result in a significant increase to our utility bill. Over the next several weeks, Ms. Moore will meet with her supervisor and team to discuss alternate options related to lighting upgrades, along with any other additional cost savings.
Road Repair and Maintenance
On Friday, Bennett Paving applied a road sealant to the following roads: Belle Isle Lane, Bosun's Circle, Royal Tern Court and Tealwood Lane. Bennett Paving also completed the punch list items along Franklin Creek Road South.
Construction Staff Repair and Maintenance
In-house staff repaired a pothole on Brisbane Court, inspected roads for root intrusion and pothole repair along with an evaluation of the seawall located behind Captain’s Crossing. Construction staff also continued to backfill along the section of community path from Huntingwood Retreat to Wiley Bottom Road.
Storm Drain Repair and Maintenance
Southeast Pipe completed a camera inspection of the storm drain located at the intersection of Landings Way North and Wiley Bottom Road. Staff is awaiting results from the inspection along with a recommendation for repair. Due to contractor equipment issues, the storm drain repair on the Lake Street pipe has been delayed.
Tree Maintenance on Common Property
In-house crews removed tree roots from the property around the Kids Fishing Lagoon and completed all tree work (pruning, uplifting, et al) at the RV Yards. The tree crew continues to progress through the annual road cutback program. The road cutback program is completed annually by in-house staff to uplift and remove any low hanging branches along the right-of-way that are within 12 feet from the roadway.
Tree Maintenance on GA DOT Property
There is a large dead pine that requires removal along the right-of-way on 204/Diamond Causeway near the Oakridge Gate. Staff contacted GA DOT regarding removal of the pine and are awaiting a timeline for removal.
Landings Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tiki Bar and Fixed Pier Maintenance
In-house staff continued to address preventative maintenance items around The Landings Harbor Picnic Grounds and fixed pier this week which included resealing the fixed pier and the installation of new test LED lighting to illuminate the inside of the basin.
Lagoon Maintenance
This week, the lagoon crew completed midge treatments on specific lagoons that inhabit non-biting aquatic midge flies. Although they are non-biting, midges resemble mosquitos in their appearance, thus causing residents to believe they bite. The Lagoon crew also continued to spray for algae throughout the community.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.