Public Works...Working for You!
Sprayfield Herbicide Treatment/Management
As a part of The Landings Association/Utilities, Inc. of Georgia (UIG) Herbicide and Aquatic Management of the North and South Sprayfield Contract that was executed in March, in-house staff completed the herbicide application along the primary and secondary ditches located in the north sprayfield this week. As a reminder, UIG is paying the Association for these services ($1,386.96/treatment). Staff will complete the second treatment to both sprayfields towards the end of the year. The south sprayfield was completed last month and the pictures shown below reflect the work in-house staff accomplished along the ditches.
2019 Center Island Pine Straw Application
Mario’s PineStraw is scheduled to be completed with the application of pine straw on the 313 primary and secondary center islands located throughout the community by the end of the week. Thereafter, staff will evaluate the work to ensure that all center islands have been addressed.
Perimeter Fence Repairs
Over the last two weeks, in-house staff have repaired and/or replaced more than 1,000 linear feet of perimeter fencing located along the community path connecting Moon River to Log Landing Road and along the Diamond Causeway.
Main Gate Exit Lane Plantings
BrightView successfully installed additional irrigation at the Main Gate for the enhancements along the right side of the exit lane. The bed lines were re-established and crews began the installations of plantings/shrubberies in this area. Once BrightView has completed the enhancements at the Main Gate, their crews will progress to Landings Harbor. As a reminder, the costs associated with these enhancements are included within the annual landscape contract.
Absolute Concrete began to address the conversion of asphalt community paths to concrete in Deer Creek beginning with the demolition of the path located from Westshell Court to Sweet Fern Retreat (734 linear feet). The contractor also will address some concrete panel repairs in the Marshwood phase of the community this week.
HVAC Unit Installation – TLA IT Server Room
On Tuesday, our service provider, Climatech, replaced the HVAC unit in TLA’s Server Room. The unit in the IT Room provides additional temperature control to maintain the server equipment for the organization. Although this unit was not scheduled for replacement this year, the unit has been experiencing various issues over the last several months wherein Climatech (our current service provider) has attempted to repair the unit on multiple occasions. During Climatech’s last maintenance call, the contractor noticed the formation of holes in the evaporator coil which resulted in subsequent coolant leaks. Due to the extent of the holes in the coil, Climatech was unable to repair the unit and recommended a full replacement. The unit is captured within CAMP and was installed under budget at $3,179 (Budgeted Amount: $4,200).
Thomas & Hutton Meeting
Thomas & Hutton completed the integration of additional residential data and security layers into TLA’s geothinQ platform. On Thursday, Sean Burgess, Tim Cook and Amber Capps participated in a gotomeeting with Chris Nichols to understand better how to search, chart, analyze and identify the new layers.
Main Gate Streetlight
Over the weekend, staff received a phone call from the security department regarding a streetlight that was knocked over by a vehicle. On Monday, staff removed the inoperable streetlight and notified Georgia Power about the damage. Georgia Power assessed the damage and will replace the light once the new pole arrives.
2019 Mailbox and Sign Painting Program
This week, staff executed the contract with Five Star Painting for the annual mailbox and sign painting program. The contractor began working in Moon River and Marshview Landing. Thereafter, they will progress to Westcross Road. In-house crews are wrapping up the mailbox, post and yard plaque repairs along Brandenberry Road and its side streets and will progress to Landings Way South thereafter.
Kid’s Fishing Lagoon Derby Preparation
In preparation for the annual Kid’s Fishing Derby at the end of May, in-house crews began pressure washing and sealing the benches and picnic tables located around the lagoon and in the pavilion. This work is anticipated to be completed by early next week.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.