Turf Management Series: Bermuda

By Sean Burgess - seanb@landings.org
Interim Public Works Manager







Bermuda is most commonly utilized on high-traffic areas including golf courses and athletic fields. When planted during the warmer months of the year, Bermuda can be well established within a 90-day period. Bermuda is the fourth and final feature in our Turf Management Series, and its varieties can be found at The Landings Association’s Athletic Field, the turf at the Landings Harbor Marina picnic area, and the Dog Park Practice Field. Its unique characteristics, watering requirements, and maintenance needs are outlined below:  



  • Bermuda grass has a green-grey color and typically is maintained at a height of .75”-3” inches.
  • Bermuda is a fast-growing turf most commonly used on sports fields and golf courses. Unlike other turf species, Bermuda spreads by stolons (above ground “runners”) and rhizomes (below ground roots and shoots).


  • Bermuda grass is extremely drought tolerant, which makes it an attractive choice for non-irrigated areas in our region.
  • Bermuda recovers very quickly from drought stress injury and thrives in full sun areas.
  • Since Bermuda grass can reproduce by stolons (above ground) and rhizomes (below ground), it’s extremely tolerant to heavily used areas and heals very quickly. This is a big advantage if your Bermuda lawn gets damaged from insects, drought, or heavy traffic throughout the year.


  • Most Bermuda grass species have a low tolerance for shade. Bermuda becomes thin and patchy under shade, making it difficult to grow and maintain.
  • Bermuda grass is a very aggressive grower and can take over other turf species and flower beds that may be adjacent to your lawn. This growth habit will also require more frequent mowing during the growing season.
  • There are many insects that feed on Bermuda grass in our area. The two main insects we fight in the Southeast are Mole crickets and Army worms. Both of these insects can be devastating to Bermuda grass if not treated in a timely manner. The easiest way to prevent infestations of these two insects is to implement a preventative program. Mole crickets begin to reproduce in early spring. Therefore, it’s recommended to complete an early application of insecticide in late April or early May that will kill off all nymphs in the soil, and repeat application in July. Army worms typically begin to infest Bermuda grass in mid-to-late summer (July/August). The first signs of Army worms generally occur with the presence of small moths flying from the turf. Once moths are present, it’s important to treat your lawn immediately with an insecticide to prevent moths from laying eggs which turn into Army worms. It’s recommended to repeat applications every 3-4 weeks through the month of October.
  • During dry events, turf will yellow extremely fast.


  • Bermuda grass requires 1”-1.25” inches of water on a weekly basis. To achieve this depth of watering, most homeowners should water their lawn three-to-five hours per week.
  • Soil conditions play a big role in your watering needs. Sandy soils may require additional watering, while clay-based soils require less watering.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.