Public Works...Working for You!
To date, Absolute Concrete has completed the demolition and concrete path installation of the following path sections: Plantation Clubhouse to Heatherstone Lane, Heatherstone Lane to Prestbury Lane, Prestbury Lane to Cotton Crossing, Cotton Crossing to Yam Gandy Road, and Yam Gandy Road to Canticle Lane. The contractor is in the process of completing the demolition of the path from Canticle Lane to the first Delegal Road loop and will continue to progress through the scope of the project.
Turf Transition at Parks/Fields
In the fall of last year, the Landings Association Athletic Field, Dog Park Practice Field and Landings Harbor Park were overseeded with rye grass to provide a winter turf. Due to the warm weather we have experienced over the last several weeks, the turf at the aforementioned locations have begun to flush out. Over the next 4-6 weeks, BrightView crews will transition these areas back to Bermuda for the growing season. In the interim, these areas will appear to be dry/discolored as we transition from Rye grass to a warm season grass.
Deer Creek Pine Straw Installation
In preparation for the golf tournament, BrightView Landscape crews expedited the installation of pine straw in the Deer Creek area of the community. The pine straw was installed at both gatehouses and primary and secondary islands. The remainder of the community will receive their annual pine straw application in April.
Building and Grounds Department Maintenance
In-house staff completed all maintenance work associated with the Deer Creek gates and signage. This week, staff are working on the monument signage at all seven gates, which includes pressure washing, painting each sign, and applying gold leafing to the schooners. Staff are also working in and around the Marshwood and Oakridge gates.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.