General Manager's Update
Dear Landings Association Members,
As we prepare to step into 2025, we are filled with excitement and optimism for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The new year will mark a fresh start for your Association and a chance for us to push boundaries, innovate, and achieve new heights. We are thrilled to embark on this journey with the community, united by our shared goals and aspirations. I hope the new year brings everyone immense joy, prosperity, and a continued sense of community. Together, we can make 2025 a successful and fulfilling year for our community.
Strategic Plan Update
We are thrilled to see such a strong response to our call for volunteers to participate in focus groups for the new Landings Association Strategic Plan. More than 160 residents have signed up for sessions scheduled for the end of January. This initiative is a continuation of our efforts that began with the 2023 Community Survey, incorporating feedback from volunteer Association committee members, Board, and staff, as well as industry trends and benchmarking. Our goal is to develop a Strategic Plan that will guide the Association’s decisions and actions over the coming years. We will keep you updated on the progress and outcomes of these sessions.
Annual Landings Roundtable
Recently, the Association’s Board met with our local elected and appointed officials for our Annual Landings Roundtable. We covered such topics as the proposed path along Green Island Road, the need for advanced traffic disruption notifications, police and fire department updates, and any planned Georgia Power electrical upgrades within The Landings. You can read more details here.
2025 Budget Overview
This month’s Budget Box provides a high-level overview of the 2025 Budget. Your Association has worked hard to grow non-Assessment revenue to offset the inflationary impacts on expenses. The Budget Book posted online provides all the details you need to understand how your Association spends your money on the betterment of this great community. We’ve incorporated feedback into this Budget Book over the years. If there is something you would like to see addressed, please share your input for future consideration. Additionally, if you missed our three-part video series explaining the 2025 Budget Book, please visit our YouTube page (, or click here.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement with The Landings Association. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out ( On behalf of the staff at The Landings Association, we look forward to working with you and achieving our goals together.
Happy Holidays!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.