President’s Update - September 25, 2024

By Bill Bina
President, The Landings Association

We are amid the most active months of Hurricane Season. The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs through November 30. Please review your family’s action plan in case of an evacuation. Know what to take, where to go, and how to get there. Chatham County Emergency Management Agency’s (CEMA) website has a host of information for you. Register for CEMA Alerts on the website or click here.

Two weeks ago, I was alerted to a very serious community path encounter with a bicycle and golf cart. It involved a six-year-old child on a bike, who was run off the path by the golf cart. Fortunately, there were no major injuries. The cart driver did not slow down upon approaching, nor did the driver stop afterwards. Many thoughts run through my mind as I reflect on the cart driver’s behaviors.

  • By our Rules and Regulations, golf carts have no right of way privileges on any of our community paths. The speed limit is 18 mph.
  • Golf carts are to slow down and give at least three feet clearance to pedestrians and bicycles.
  • In the case of a young cyclist, six-years-old in this instance, it is better for the cart to stop completely.
  • It is absolutely wrong to proceed on your way if you have caused an accident. Common courtesy was obviously seriously absent in this event.
  • What was the cart driver thinking? There is no appointment time that important to make in our community. A five-second delay really would not affect your arrival time. Slow down, or stop and give the right-of-way!
  • How do we go about identifying the offenders as they speed away? We shall rethink our golf cart registration system and consider a way to identify carts as they travel away from us.

Road safety remains a heightened concern. Progress is apparent in our changed behaviors, with a decrease in speeding violations and more awareness of the speed limits as we slow down. Contractors, employees, and guests also are subject to TLA rules. TLA Rules and Regulations regarding fines and privilege suspensions are listed on our website ( > Governing Documents > Rules and Regulations), or you can click here. Locations of the Guardian Pro detection devices change periodically. There are approximately 50-60 violations of 11 mph or more over the posted speed limits recorded each week.

The Landings Harbor Task Force continues its discussions on potential development of a Picnic Pavilion. At a recent meeting, the task force decided to reduce the scope of the structures. Another round of cost estimates is pending. No decisions have been made at this time.

Finally, the year-long revision of the Architectural Review Guidelines is complete and ready for the community’s review and comment. After that review, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Board will review the comments. Final Board approval will follow.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.