Electric Vehicles in The Landings
If you use an electric vehicle to get around the community, be sure you know The Landings’ Rules and Regulations and Georgia Law governing this mode of transportation and are equipped with all the necessary gear, including always wearing a helmet to keep you safe.
Did you know that electric vehicles such as motorized scooters and segways are not allowed on community paths and trails in The Landings, and violating this rule could result in fines up to $100. For clarification, a vehicle is defined as any conveyance that can be used to transport a person or property. This rule does not include the kick or push scooters that are reminiscent of many of our childhoods, as long as they are not motorized, which then would make them in violation of the Rules and Regulations. The only motorized vehicles allowed on the community paths and trails are ADA Mobility Vehicles, golf carts, and class 1 and 2 electric bicycles. This is outlined in Section H.7 Community Paths.
Community Paths are a multi-modal amenity with right-of-way belonging to pedestrians first, cyclists second, and finally Golf Carts. Users of these paths must use Due Care while on the paths and may be subject to civil and criminal charges for accidents, injuries, property damage, or death which resulted in a person’s negligence and/or failure to give proper Due Care.
- Motorized Vehicles, other than Golf Carts and class 1 and 2 electric bicycles are not permitted on Community Paths and trails. Privately owned Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) and Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) are prohibited from operating on Community Paths, and must comply with all Federal, State, and local laws if operated on the streets.
Landings Security highly recommends not taking electric vehicles onto the roadways, although this is not prohibited. However, if you do take your electric vehicle on the roads in The Landings, you must possess a valid operator’s license. This is outlined in section E.3 Vehicles.
- Operators of motorized Vehicles, including scooters, mopeds, and golf carts, must have in their possession a valid operator’s license.
Below are some safety tips for operating electric vehicles.
- Always wear a helmet. Georgia law mandates helmets for riders under 16 years old.
- Follow posted traffic rules.
- Do not exceed the maximum weight for these vehicles, which usually is 100 pounds.
- Do not text and drive.
Which vehicles are allowed on Community Paths and Trails in The Landings?
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/electric-vehicles-landings