Time is Running Out! Apply Now for TLA's Board of Directors!
Dear Neighbors,
TLA's Nominating Committee invites you to apply for a position on our Board of Directors! We are seeking individuals with the skills listed below.
- Demonstrated financial or business management expertise/skills
- Leadership and interpersonal skills
- Strategic thinking regarding our community’s future
- Informed and independent thinking
- Collaborative teamwork
- Effective communication and listening skills
If you possess these qualities and are passionate about our community, we encourage you to apply. Applications are due by July 22, 2024. Please don't delay! To submit a Board Candidate Application, click here.
For questions or more information, please contact any of our committee members listed below.
Best Regards,
Herman Stone
Chair, Board Nominating Committee
The Landings Association
                       TLA 2024 Board Nominating Committee:
Herman Stone (Chair) |
Patty Morgan    |
Jason Somers    |
Quentin Marlin |
Maryann Gallagher    |
Steve Lee |
Mike Barber |
Chris Frohn       |
Kathy Siler |
Anne Hackett    |
Diane Wilson    |
John Holmquist |
jholmlaw@gmail.com |
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2024/07/15/time-running-out%C2%A0apply-now-tlas-board-directors