Bee Wild Cast Away Club Event: July 27

Courtesy of CCA Skidaway Castaway Club

Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 27 for the Cast Away Club’s “Bee Wild” held at the CCA Outdoor Education Center located at the Kids' Fishing Lagoon adjacent to Log Landing Road and the Oakridge Fire Station. 

Kids will find this a fun time Bee Cause they will be learning all about bees. Why are they important to plants? Where do they live? Is there a King and Queen bee? How fast do they fly? These and many more fun facts will be all the buzz at this month’s event. It is guaranteed to be the bees knees!

Members from the  Savannah Bee Company and the Bee Cause Project will be on hand to educate us on the importance of bees. Their mission seeks to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards, while protecting our planet’s precious pollinators. Alongside sponsors, beekeepers, educators, and community members, they have since provided Bee Grants to more than 500 schools and organizations, impacting hundreds of children (and adults!) across the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

The nature program is from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.  After the session the kids and their parents will have an opportunity to fish together from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Plan to arrive at 9:15 a.m. to check in and pickup your name tag(s).

Attendance is limited, so please register as soon as possible at

Rods, reels, and bait will be provided by the CCA (Coastal Conservation Association). Volunteers from CCA will be available to help. Cast Away Club events are free. Donations of $10.00 for kids-logoed Cast Away Club hat are always welcomed.

For more information, email Mary White (


CCA is a non-profit organization with chapters on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts.  For more information about CCA of Skidaway, contact Rick Tallon (417) 294-2002.  For more information about CCA’s Georgia District, contact Tom Rood, 598-9753.  For information about this month’s Cast Away Club, contact  Mary White  at

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.