Mister Bluebird On My Shoulder Recap

Courtesy of CCA Skidaway

The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) Skidaway Chapter's Cast Away Club hosted The Secrets of Bluebirds on June 29 at the Kids' Fishing Lagoon.  Bluebird secrets were revealed by Brenda Ecken, Sarah Lucas, and Bill Lee who are members of the Skidaway Audubon Bluebird program. 

The event was an engaging, interactive program on the lifecycle of bluebirds. The children learned how the bluebird houses are monitored on the island and the lifecycle of bluebirds from nest, egg, nestling, to fledgling. Ellis S. was amazed that each bluebird laid a uniquely colored egg. 

Did you know that bluebirds lay three-to-six eggs? The most eggs found on Skidaway were nine in one nest!  “Mister Bluebird was on our shoulder” and in the variety of nests available for viewing at this event. The children were gifted binoculars to keep our budding young ornithologists inspired.

Volunteers from the Skidaway CCA were on hand for a fishing clinic after the Bluebird presentation for the kids, parents, and grandparents. It was an exciting, educational, fun-filled, morning for the Cast Away Club! 

Our next event is Bee Wild on July 27. Space is limited, so register soon at www.ccaskidaway.org.



This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.