President’s Update - June 26, 2024 

By Bill Bina
President, The Landings Association

We continue reviewing the Guardian Pro traffic radar data. While overall compliance with the speed limits has improved, there still are some ongoing excessive speed violations. We will begin assessing fines in July for offenders.

Unfortunately, there was one instance of excessive speeding late at night recently, with the driver traveling 94 mph in a 35 mph zone. This incident received special Board attention for egregious behavior, along with a substantive fine and suspension of gate access privileges for 30 days.

The recent Hurricane Town Hall meeting was received well by our residents. Many good tips were provided to those in attendance. As Hurricane Season is upon us, every household should have a plan in place if evacuation is required. To learn more about Hurricane Season and how best to prepare, visit Chatham Emergency Management Agency’s website (

Year-to-date crime statistics, provided by Chatham County Police Department (CCPD), show an uptick in burglaries of unoccupied homes and autos, as well as golf cart thefts.

  • Most of the thefts from autos were from unlocked vehicles, and the burglaries, except for two, involved unlocked dwellings.
  • TLA has adopted several new practices, which include redirecting traffic, ID checks during specific times, and adding additional patrol hours. Other long- and short-term security measures are being evaluated.
  • CCPD has increased its patrol efforts in our community and is actively investigating these crimes.
  • Although it is early in the investigation, CCPD believes 20 of the 23 crimes committed within our gates may have been committed by a current or former resident, a resident’s guest, or employee.

As a reminder, the Nominating Committee is meeting to consider applications for the upcoming TLA Board of Directors Election this fall. It is not too late to apply. Contact one of the current Board Members listed below if you are interested in applying.

We continue working with our traffic engineering consultants to improve the appearance and safety of the familiar Main Gate traffic patterns. Current conditions will be modified as work by Atlanta Gas Light Company progresses.

Community interest and feedback, both for and against, continues regarding the exploration of a Landings Harbor Picnic Pavilion. Click here to read a recent Backyard Buzz outlining more details on this potential project.

Thank You,

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.