CCA Skidaway Hosts Salvation Army Campers

By Doug Painter
CCA Skidaway

The Salvation Army camp program emphasizes that, “Spending time in natural environments can improve test scores in school, reduce aggressive behavior, increase positive social interactions, and even speed physical healing for children”

To help promote outdoor opportunities for kids at the Salvation Army’s Savannah summer camp, CCA Skidaway recently hosted a morning of fishing at the Kids’ Fishing Lagoon for 40 of its campers on Thursday, June 6.     

“We provided the rods-and-reels and bait, along with volunteer mentors to help the kids bait a hook and cast a line,” said CCA event organizer Dave Devore. Many of these youngsters have never fished before.”

Fortunately, the bluegills were biting, and soon excited shouts could be heard from around the lagoon, “I GOT ONE, I GOT ONE!” Youngsters initially wary of touching a worm were soon baiting their own hooks and quickly casting out to catch the next one.

“It’s great that we have the opportunity to share our island’s natural bounty with these campers and share in their joy and excitement,” Devore said. “We look forward to next year’s outing and hosting additional youth fishing events involving other Savannah area youth programs.”































Photos by Mike Welsh

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.