Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2024 Road Repair and Replacement Project 

Bennett Paving was onsite this week addressing some of the punch list items from this year's road project, which includes the Main Gate exit lanes, Sweet William Retreat, Planters Lane, and Lakewood Court. 

2024 Storm Drain Project 

This week, Southeast Pipe began cleaning and clearing storm drain pipes in Marshwood in preparation for this year’s storm drain capital project. 

2024 Community Path Repair Program

Absolute Concrete replaced damaged community path panels along Yam Gandy Road and Delegal Road this week.

​Landings Harbor Building Maintenance 

Staff replaced a damaged support post and rotted door leading to The Landings Harbor Storage Room this week. 













This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.