CCA Bluegills and Brews Set for May 21

Courtesy of CCA Skidaway

The next Bluegills and Brews (B&B) will be held on Tuesday, May 21 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The lagoon location to be determined.

This B&B will be the last one for the summer, starting up again in fall. There is no charge for this one, just show up with your fly rod. Brews and snacks are provided by CCA.

You will need to register so that you can receive the lagoon location, which will be emailed the day before (on May 20). To register for this event, visit

We have a handful of fly rod outfits available at no charge, please call Doug Painter (203-545-5299) if you need one.

This clinic is for CCA Members only. If your membership has expired or you are new to CCA, please visit our website to join or renew prior to signing up for this clinic.  You must have a current *GA State fishing license.  For more information visit

CCA is a nonprofit organization with chapters on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts.  For more information about CCA of Skidaway call Rick Tallon (417-294-2002‬).  For more information about CCA’s Georgia District, call Tom Rood (912-598-9753). For information about Bluegills and Brews, contact Paulette Hamilton (610-509-0279).  Area residents are invited to attend the CCA of Skidaway meetings and seminars held on the second Monday of the month at St. Peter’s Church.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.