TLA To Suspend Pilot Test and Revert to Previous Traffic Pattern

By Bill Bina, President and Karl Stephens, General Manager/COO

The Landings Association acknowledges the importance of being responsive to community feedback and will be reverting to the previous traffic pattern behind the Main Gate. The decision to suspend the pilot test of the updated traffic pattern and revert to the original design was made after large amounts of feedback from community members indicated a lack of support for the changes.


Last year, as the kickoff to The Landings Association’s first Traffic Study, the engineering firm held a drop-in discussion session to help identify areas to explore. This intersection was mentioned by residents multiple times at the session and in the emailed responses from those who were unable to attend.

The Traffic Study then listed that intersection as a location that could use some modification, as it is a non-standard traffic circle. Several options were considered, including a true roundabout. However, the cost would be extensive (hundreds of thousands of dollars), and many Live Oaks would have to be removed, so that option was not pursued. Although we had hoped for a more cost-effective and straightforward solution, it's clear from the community response that this intersection is too critical for anything less than a comprehensive approach if changes are to be made in the future.

Simultaneously, the Main Gate repaving work required Landings Way South’s roadway to be widened, to allow two-way traffic during the closure and to avoid detouring traffic, including heavy trucks, through Tidewater Square.

The new two-way traffic flowed well during the closure, and the Association worked with our engineering firm to review options on how to potentially continue this at a low or no cost after the Main Gate reopened. We needed real-world experience after the Main Gate reopened to determine if this continued two-way traffic (and required stop or yield signs) would work well.

Cost for the Pilot Test

Under $5,000 was spent on any associated work, as the paving and drainage work had to be performed regardless. Most of the temporary signage can be reused within the community.

Additionally, the Association held off on repaving the previous exit curve as part of this test, so that money wouldn’t be wasted on paving if the test change became permanent. That section now will be repaved.

The overall paving project remains under budget.

Lessons Learned

The Association acknowledges the importance of clear communication and advanced notice to residents about such tests. We also understand the necessity of learning from experiences and moving forward promptly when plans don’t work out as anticipated. We are committed to enhancing our communication efforts moving forward.

Next Steps

We’re now working with our contractors to finalize the paving and restore the previous traffic pattern, as they work on the punch list items for this project. We’ll let the community know more as details become available.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.