Security Update 

By Tim Cook - 
Security Director

Cycling is one of the United States’ most favorite pastimes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) designates May as National Bicycle Safety Month. However, in many areas, like The Landings with its moderate climate and remarkable scenery, cycling is an attractive option for both recreation and transportation all year long. Although May is designated cycling safety month, cyclists and motorists should keep the following tips in mind at all times.

Safety Tips for Cyclists

  • Make sure you ride a bike that fits you and is well-maintained.
  • Inspect your bike to ensure the tires are adequately inflated, and all the parts are secure and working correctly.
  • Make sure the bike is equipped with reflectors on the front, rear, pedals, and spokes. A horn or bell also is recommended.
  • Wear a snug-fitting helmet, reflective clothing for low-visibility conditions, and safety equipment such as reflectors, lights, and mirrors. Georgia law requires that any bicycle rider or passenger under 16 years of age must wear a helmet [O.C.G.A. §40-6-296(e)(1)]. However, the National Safety Council recommends that everyone should wear a helmet regardless of the length of the ride.
  • Plan to be seen by wearing bright or neon clothing. When possible, ride during the day. If you must ride at night, wear reflective clothing and use flashing lights.
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic, and never hitch onto cars.
  • Use hand signals when turning.
  • Cyclists cannot ride more than two cycles side-by-side except on paths or roads designated for the exclusive use of bicycles.
  • In Georgia, bicycles are legally classified as vehicles, so obey all street signs, signals, and road markings.
  • Be predictable, as inattentive riding and random movements can unnerve drivers.
  • Use your eyes and ears. Keep your head up and look ahead, left, and right. You need to see what is coming up to have enough time to react. Watch for potholes, dogs, broken glass, or anything that could make you lose control of your bike. Do not use personal electronics while riding, so you can listen for traffic.
  • Pay attention to vehicles, pedestrians, and others on the road. Anticipate that others around you will do something careless. Be focused and vigilant to what is happening around you. Watch for parked cars, and ride far enough out from the curb to avoid the unexpected.
  • Never assume that just because you see a driver or made eye contact with the driver that he or she sees you.

Safety Tips for Motorists

  • Georgia law requires drivers to give a reasonable distance of at least three feet when overtaking a cyclist to pass and to maintain that distance until safely past the cyclist.
  • Always be on the lookout for cyclists.
  • Know bicyclists’ rights. For more information on Georgia law on bicycles, please visit the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (

Stay safe, and stay well,


































































This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.