President’s Update - March 27, 2024

By Bill Bina
President, The Landings Association

Spring has arrived along with pine dust, tree pollen, and road construction. The Landings Association Board continues work on these ongoing activities that include:

  • Continued TLA’s due diligence process regarding The Landings Golf & Athletic Clubs’s car parking solution design for the Franklin Creek athletic area. Important issues regarding utilities infrastructure and the environment have taken time to settle.
  • You have seen the Guardian Pro traffic radar in use around the community. Early indications are that excessive speeds are down and compliance with our traffic rules and regulations is improving.
  • Work will begin on repairs to the Main Gate roads in the coming days. The project is expected to take a week. Look for TLA information regarding closures and access throughout the community while work progresses.
  • Phase Two of the Landings Harbor dry stack replacement and fuel storage tank projects are progressing.

As you are aware, golf cart travel is a large part of life in The Landings. There are some specific safety-driven restrictions that exist for several locations in our community. They are known as “Golf Cart-free zones”, where carts are not permitted on the street. Review the March 13th Wednesday Wisdom message from TLA to learn more about the locations to avoid using your cart in them.

Again, I am grateful to all who send us your ideas for opportunities to improve our environment, amenities, and security.

Thank you.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.