General Manager's Update

Karl Stephens -
General Manager/COO

Dear Landings Association Members,

Welcome to spring in The Landings! Hopefully, all of you are enjoying the longer evenings and making the most of time spent with family and friends. Be sure to check out our online calendar ( to learn more about upcoming Sunset Cruises, Food Truck Fridays, and other fun events to enjoy.

As has been previously reported, The Landings Association is studying the potential construction of a multi-use picnic pavilion at Landings Harbor Marina. Similar ideas have been discussed for at least the past decade, with no concrete action. What’s different this time is the involvement and support of such major, island-wide philanthropic organizations as Landlovers, Kiwanis, CCA, Skidaway Audubon, and New Neighbors.

Also new this time is the of the consultation by the Savannah College of Art and Design’s SCADpro organization. SCADpro assembles students from various disciplines to help design concepts such as restaurant interiors, waiting spaces, and the like. As part of a collaboration, the Association will engage SCADpro to develop design concepts for the Landings Harbor pavilion. Some parameters include protecting as much green space as possible, creating minimum disruption to the area, and being cognizant of any potential increased noise for the nearby neighbors.

The Association will hold ownership to the top three designs, as selected by the working group noted above. Ultimately, some version of the design(s) will be shared with the community to receive feedback and input before moving forward. Stay tuned for more details on how you can be involved.

Not as exciting a topic as a new pavilion, but ultimately so important to our community, is the annual renewal of the Association’s property, casualty, liability, and other lines of insurance. The expected cost of the renewals over the next 12 months is $834,000, an increase of roughly 14% since last year. The insurance market has “hardened”, to use the trade lingo, meaning insurance coverage is harder and more expensive to place. Other similar communities to The Landings are reporting increases in the range of 15-40%, so even though the increase is higher than in the past for the Association, it still is below what other communities are experiencing.

We had a large turnout for our Annual Meeting. Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend. Congratulations also to the Volunteers of the Year and Volunteer Group of the Year.

Speaking of volunteers, we continue to have members share their heartfelt experiences of courtesy in our community. Check out the Sharing Corner on the Courtesy webpage (www.landings.orf/courtesy), or scan the QR code at right, to catch up on the latest courtesy encounters you may have missed. Remember, it doesn’t cost anything to be kind and courteous, and the feelings it brings to the giver and recipient are priceless!

Finally, it never is too early to start preparing for Hurricane Season. Your Association has organized a Hurricane Town Hall Meeting for June 18 at 7 p.m. in Palmetto Club. Chatham Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) officials will be on hand to share tips for preparing for a hurricane as well as what you need to know if a hurricane approaches our area. We hope to see you on this very important evening.

In the meantime, enjoy the spring in our great community, and stay safe. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance (




This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.