Show Some Kindness for a Chance to Go Bananas!

TLA’s Courtesy Subcommittee

Have you ever shared a random act of kindness? Perhaps you bought dinner for the young couple seated next to you in a restaurant or paid the tab for the car behind you in the drive-thru line at your favorite fast food place. Whatever you did, I’m sure it likely made you smile even more than the recipient. There is just something about giving -- it’s like having cake and ice cream sans the calories and sugar rush, and the good feelings last longer, too!

If you’ve not yet tried it, now is the perfect time to make a point to do something kind for someone you know or someone you’ve never even met. And if you were the recipient of an act of kindness, we want to hear about that, too. Take a quick photo or video and tag and follow us on Instagram @ TLAUpdates. If social media isn’t your thing, simply send a brief description of your experience, a photo, or a short video to for consideration of posting. Submissions must be received by March 25 for a chance to be entered in a random drawing to win four tickets to the sold-out Savannah Bananas Game on April 5.

If you need a little “kind-spiration”, visit our Courtesy Webpage ( where we post articles, inspirational thoughts, pictures, videos, and more that showcase courtesy in The Landings and beyond. 

Go ahead and get out there and do something awesome! We are 99.9 percent sure you WILL like how it makes you feel, and you could even inspire others to join you. After all, Happiness is a Courteous Community!

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.