Kindness and Concern in Our Community -- Our Home

Thu, 02/08/2024

By Maryce Cunningham
Landings Resident

On my way home from golf one recent afternoon, I was driving my cart on the path when I realized that although a lovely sun was shining above, there was a chill in the air that I hadn’t notice while playing. I pulled my cart to the side of the path to put on my jacket. As usual, the sleeve caught on my Smart Watch and wouldn’t ride up my arm. I was struggling when suddenly a gentleman, coming toward me in his cart, pulled over to the side and asked me if I was alright. I gratefully told him that I was fine, and he smiled and drove on.

I was so thrilled to have had such a pleasant show of concern that, as I drove farther along the path, I noticed another cart pulled over to the side. I stopped my cart and asked the woman in the other cart if she was ok.  She smiled and waved, and I noticed that she was on her phone. Aha! Hands-free driving!

The moral of my story is an act of kindness and concern is so heartwarming that it just has to be paid forward.  Our Home, Our Family!


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.