President's Update - October 25, 2023

By Herman Stone –
President, The Landings Association

Happy fall, everyone!

Many of you have reached out to inquire about the dispatch of Skidaway Island First Responders (SIFRs) for fire and medical emergencies. As of now, I don’t have any new updates to share, but I want to reassure you that this remains a top priority for your Association. While we lack practical or legal decision-making authority in this matter, we are actively engaging with the County and doing our utmost to encourage all parties to collaborate on an effective solution.

The Landings Association’s Board of Directors extends a heartfelt Thank You to the 2023 candidates for our Board election. We truly appreciate the effort, courage, and commitment each candidate demonstrated throughout this process. We encourage all of your neighbors to join us in thanking you. We also extend our congratulations to the new Board Directors -- Brian Dunphy, Marian Mackle, and Jason Somers -- who will serve as Board Directors starting on January 1, 2024 and continuing through December 31, 2026. Thank you for your service to the community.

As I’ve discussed in many of these President Update articles, The Landings Association (TLA) is currently executing a comprehensive Strategic Plan developed in 2021 by our Board of Directors and rolled out in January 2022. This Strategic Plan covers five primary categories, many of which have been addressed in our informational articles. Our Strategic Plan focuses on the following areas that we believe are critical to TLA’s mission and vision:

  1. Community Governance
  2. Environmental Opportunities and Challenges (Water and Land Use)
  3. Updates of Facilities, Amenities, and Services
  4. Technology
  5. Communications

In this article, I will focus on Updates of Facilities, Amenities, and Services that your Association has implemented in 2023 as well as our preliminary plans for 2024.

The Strategic Goal for the Updates of Facilities, Amenities, and Services Plan is to monitor community facilities, amenities, and services, and improve and expand them as needed to accommodate changes in the use, size, and demographics of the property owners, and to prepare for the future of the community. This goal is crucial for maintaining a sense of community by meeting the recreational, social, and essential service needs of our members. It also contributes to maintaining and improving the property values of our Association members.

Below are some of the actions implemented this year by our Association towards meeting this strategic goal:

  • Enhancements to the Landing Harbor area
  • Installation of benches and swings throughout the community (based on a grant generously provided by the Landlovers Foundation)
  • Identifying ways to allow for additional Recreational Vehicle (RV) storage capacity
  • Renovation of the Marsh Tower
  • General community enhancements

Landings Harbor Enhancements

Landings Harbor is considered by many as our “crown jewel” of our community. In this past year, we’ve witnessed remarkable enhancements to this area, which include the re-decking and comprehensive upgrade of the Landings Harbor pier, the expansion and improvement of the parking lot to accommodate more golf carts and cars, the addition of pathways around the community picnic area to provide easier access for our less mobile members, and the successful completion of the first phase of the marina dry stack replacement project.

If you haven’t had the chance to visit Landings Harbor recently, I wholeheartedly encourage you to do so and relish the experience. What’s even more exciting is that we’re not done yet. We have set aside a budget and are in the planning stages for installing a multipurpose pavilion in the picnic area in 2024. This pavilion will create a space for community gatherings and celebrations. To ensure full community involvement in this initiative, we’ve enlisted the support of The Landings’ major volunteer organizations to collaborate with the Association in developing ideas and enhancements that will allow this gem to reach its full potential. Additionally, in 2024, we intend to establish a Delegal Creek Marina Project Charter and Team to craft a vision and plan for the Delegal Creek Marina.

Bench and Swing Project

As I wrote about earlier this year, the Landlovers Foundation generously donated park benches and swings to various locations throughout The Landings. Although one swing has not been received yet, most of this equipment is now in place, and it has been warmly received by our community. The benches have led to a rise in requests for commemorative benches, and we encourage residents to also consider other amenities such as picnic tables as a way to memorialize their loved ones.

RV Expansion Project

Given the popularity of recreational vehicles (RVs) in our community, we maintain an area off McWhorter Drive and one near the Public Works complex for storing RVs. Due to high demand and an extensive waiting list, we will be modifying the rules and placing restrictions on the storage of non-recreational vehicles. We are also increasing rates and streamlining the leasing process to improve services for all who need RV storage. Specific information will be provided in the next month or so.

Marsh Observation Tower

The Marsh Observation Tower, located in the Marshwood neighborhood, provides a picturesque view of the eastern marsh with the Wilmington River in the background. This tower, constructed more than 40 years ago, has been subject to regular structural engineering evaluations, due to its age. While it is currently in sound condition, replacing the tower has become necessary for its long-term viability. Although initially scheduled for 2023, due to permit challenges, the project is now planned for 2024. In the meantime, we will continue to have structural engineering evaluations and necessary repairs to ensure its safety for the community.

General Community Enhancements

The year 2023 has been marked by significant progress in our infrastructure projects. This includes essential work such as road resurfacing, addressing blocked or damaged storm drains, restriping roadways, and enhancing sign visibility. Additionally, we’ve undertaken community path replacement and repair. On the community front, we’ve also introduced “softer” initiatives like Food Truck Fridays and forged partnerships with local sports teams, including the Savannah Bananas baseball team and the Savannah Ghost Pirates hockey team. Our commitment to expanding these activities is unwavering as we strive to realize our strategic goals and plans.

Furthermore, in the latter part of this year and throughout 2024, we eagerly anticipate the completion of the fiber optic installation and energization of the fiber optics lines in our community, which will provide an Internet alternative.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and involvement in the journey of making The Landings an even better place to live. We eagerly look forward to a dynamic and productive 2024.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.