Clone of Budget Box: Landings Harbor Marina Infrastructure Improvements

By Karl Stephens -
General Manager/COO

Throughout the year, there have been and continue to be many improvements to the existing infrastructure at and around Landings Harbor Marina.

Phase one of the Dry Rack Storage Replacement Project is complete, adding 24 new storage slips for residents that have been on a wait list for many months. This project not only is aesthetically pleasing, but it also was tested during Tropical Storm Idalia and performed very well during the wind gusts, which were recorded up to 63 mph. Phase two of the project soon will begin, and includes replacing the structures that were built in phases between 1980 and 1987.

Landings Harbor Pier also received an extensive overhaul over the last several months. The Pier was built in the mid-to-late 1980s and was constructed of wood decking and railings on concrete piles. The Public Works staff researched alternative, sustainable options for repair and replacement of the deck and railing system. Work was performed reinforcing stringers, reutilizing the pilings, and reinforcing/replacing hardware, along with installing additional stringers to support the new concrete surface. This popular community amenity is not only functional and sustainable, but beautiful in daylight and after dark.

With the abundance of activity at the Marina, parking and connectivity is a crucial piece of the puzzle. The Association’s Public Works team and  outside contractors completed work at the Landings Harbor parking lot. This improvement added 26 additional golf cart spaces, a four-foot-wide perimeter walking path, and general reconfigured space for improvements. You can watch the video below or visit this link (

Another item that isn’t as visible, but vital to the Marinas’ operations, is fuel tanks. Boaters from on and off-island utilize Landings Harbor for gasoline and diesel. The three existing tanks that were installed in 1981 will be closed in place and replaced by a new above-ground fuel tank and lines in mid-to-late October.

All of these improvements were budgeted and planned, to provide a community amenity for all residents to enjoy!



This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.